Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Awesome...I Hate This

The Lysandre Cafe is...very red, I suppose--

Professor, would you please stop talking to the main villain of the fucking game about Mega Evolution?! Goddamn it, you are going to doom us all--!

So wait, Lysandre is the descendant of the King of Kalos' younger brother? Oh...that's...I don't know what to make of that, really--

Okay, so I'm getting some insight into the cray-cray mind of Lysandre; he doesn't like people who use their strength to take from others as opposed to give to others.  That's actually kind of noble...were it not for the whole "They're filth!" outburst.

And apparently, the king wanted to take everything and created a weapon and then everything was destroyed? What the fuck is going on here?! What kind of lore is this--?

Oh shit...I think Lysandre wants to find this weapon and use it to destroy a bunch of shit.  That cannot be good--

Oh, a King's Rock.  Well...I suppose you aren't all that bad, Sandy.  Tootles.

Trevor? What's up? Why are you calling me?

Route 14? Hell yeah, let's do it.

Hey Trevor, hey Serena.  How's it going--?

Oh, for fuck's sake, Serena? Another battle? And you only have three Pokemon.  Bitch, if you lead with the same goddamned team as before, I--

You...I just...Lucario, please...

Oh ho, you have a Chenaught now? Very nice.  Still, I'm going to ruin you.  A Grass/Fighting Pokemon is no match against a Poison-type move like Venoshock, and Venusaur is packing that shit hard.

Entire battle concluded through one-hit K.O.'s.  Honestly, Serena...you should just go home.  What happened to your Fletchling or your Bunnelby from earlier? A Diggersby and a Talonflame would be awesome right about now! Sure, Talonflame is reliable, but Diggersby though...

His ears are ARMS--!

I'm sorry, did you just say there was a scary house by Laverre City? I...I don't...no.  Goddamn it, why am I always dealing with scary houses? I don't wanna deal with that shit!

Creepy abandoned swingset at night...in the rain...by the forest...with candy on the ground.  This is some fucked up shit right here.

And I'm also knee deep in puddle-muck.  Awesome.  I hate this--

The puddles are tall grass?! Oh shit! I did not realize that!

And there are Quagsire here? Makes sense.  Gotta love me some Quagsire.

Quagsire:  A Water/Ground-type Pokemon.  It's immune to Electric-type attacks, but is x4 weak to Grass-type attacks.  A solid contender, especially since it can be bred to have the Unaware ability, which cancels out the stat changes of other Pokemon...which wipes out a solid 30% of all moves.  Which is awesome.


Yay, caught a Goomy!

Goomy:  A Dragon-type Pokemon.  A pure Dragon-type, but they have a unique hidden ability which lowers an opponent's Speed whenever they get hit.  That's nasty shit.  That's real nasty shit.

But there are wild Haunter here, too?!? I want a Haunter!!!

And...and there's Stunfisk.  I...God...I just...fine.

Stunfisk:  An Electric/Ground-type Pokemon.  It is the only Pokemon of it's type combo...and the only Electric-type Pokemon that I really don't like.  It doesn't evolve, its stats aren't very good, and it not only adds three additional weaknesses to itself, but half of its move-pool can't even hit Flying-types anymore.  Why...why are you?

Oh, this creepy chick by the pond just gave me the TM for Toxic! Oh, Venusaur...you're going to be very happy.

Shit...there's the house.  I...I don't wanna go inside just yet--

Being forced in.  Awesome...I hate this.

And...scary story time.  Fuck this shit.  Fuck this entire forest.  I'm done here.  Nope.  See ya.

Christ, where the hell are the Haunters?! I saw like three of them and I accidentally knocked them all out, but once I have a plan to capture them, they don't show up.  That's a load of shit.  Eh, I guess I'll just have to go back for one later

Laverre City is pretty nice.  There's a fan-club chapter here and the guy gave me an Effort Ribbon for my Venusaur, there's a little guy with a Torment TM, and--

Gengarite?! GODDAMN IT I NEED THAT HAUNTER! I don't think I'll need it for the gym in this town, though...so let's do that first, then get my Haunter.  I can't trade him yet to get my Gengar, so an awesome Ghost/Poison-type for the Fairy Gym won't be in the works...but with Blaziken, Venusaur, and Lucario, I will not be stopped easily.

Oh fuck my duck, it's a teleporter gym like Saffron City.  Awesome...I FUCKING HATE THIS!

Laverre City Gym: Valerie, the First of Her Kind

Before we begin, I must first warn you that you are going to be taking big steps here.  So long as I've played, the "Sixth Gym" has always been the true curveball of the leagues.  Hoenn took Falkner's degradation of the Flying-type and breathed new life into it by making every Flying-type on her team not only varied in type, but varied in resistances so that you can't simply use one Pokemon to sweep the team.  In Johto, Jasmine broke new ground and introduced the world to the Steel-type Pokemon and brought forth a bastion of pain and unyielding might to teach you about it...her Steelix.  In Kanto, there was Sabrina; I need say nothing more about Sabrina than this: Fuck Recover.

Now, you need to make a choice: what kind of gym leader will you be? Will you be cunning and ruthless like your "Sixth Gym" predecessors...or are you gonna Falk it all up?

OPPONENT #1: MAWILE, Lv. 38 (Steel/Fairy-type)

Excellent...you've turned the fact that Fairy-types are weak to Poison and you've made your first Pokemon immune to it while simultaneously turning its only other weakness (Steel) from a double-damage-dealer to a regular-damage-dealer.  Well played.  Fortunately for me, you've also weakened yourself to Fighting-type attacks, which now do regular damage...and you're doubly-weak to Fire.

CONTENDER #1: BLAZIKEN, Lv. 50 (Fire/Fighting-type)

I'm going to hold off on the Mega Evolution because I believe Venusaur would need that most, but Flame Charge will increase Blaziken's Speed by two levels when it joins up with Speed Boost, and that may prove very useful.  Blaziken, use Flame Charge!

And it's a one-hit knockout.

OPPONENT #2: MR. MIME, Lv. 39 (Psychic/Fairy-type)

Excellent! Now, if I were to present a Poison-type, you will have super-effectiveness against it, as well as x4 resistance to Fighting-type attacks! I am impressed, especially since Steel-types are usually very good on Defense...but not Special Defense, making a Psychic/Fairy-type a dangerous Special Attack-based threat.  However, Lucario still knows Shadow Claw, and that's your one true weakness at this point...a Ghost-type attack!

CONTENDER #1: LUCARIO, Lv. 50 (Fighting/Steel-type)

Shadow Claw hits and it's another O.H.K.O.  Fantastic.

OPPONENT #3: SYLVEON, Lv. 42 (Fairy-type)

And an excellent choice for your final Fairy, Valerie.  This finally forces me to put my Poison-type into play.

CONTENDER #1: VENUSAUR, Lv. 50 (Grass/Poison-type)

You've played a solid theoretical game, Valerie, but playtime is over--

Oh, Venusaur isn't holding Veusaurite? Damn--oh wait, he's holding Black Sludge.  Okay, we're still done with playtime, though.

Hit it with Toxic!

Sylveon responds with Swift, which knocks out 20 HP, but the Black Sludge recovers 9.

Now...end it.  Venoshock.


The Fairy Badge is now mine, as is the Dazzling Gleam TM.  This is a very nice Fairy-type move to have.  Gardevoir, you'll have to forget that rogue Thunderbolt and learn a new STAB move.

And no sooner do I take a step outside do Trevor and Shauna demand that I go to the Poke Ball factory with them.  Ugh...all aboard the plot-train.

Greninja, Lv. 51
Venusaur, Lv. 51
Lucario, Lv. 50
Blaziken, Lv. 50
Gardevoir, Lv. 43
Gabite, Lv. 42

Badges: 6

Monday, November 25, 2013




The entire thing is a game-show, but not just any game-show...

It's motherfucking "Who's That Pokemon!" Bitch, I haven't played that shit since I was ten! But holy shit, is this fucking satisfying.

You know what else is satisfying? An Adamant Gabite EV-trained to max Attack and HP stats who knows Bulldoze in an Electric-type Gym.

Got a Dedenne? Uh oh...I better watch out if you use a Fairy-type move against my Dragon-type--

Oh wait! BULLDOZE.

A Raichu, you say? That was a very difficult opponent back in Vermillion City.  I had to make a special trip out to Diglett's Cave every time I--

Oh wait.  BULLDOZE.

Ampharos! I love those, but now that they can Mega Evolve into a Dragon-type, I run into the issue--


Alright, Clemont, are we good to go here, or do I have to keep using BULLDOZE--

OH FUCK ME! Aww, I'm an asshole! I completely forgot that in quiz gyms, the better thing to do is get the answers wrong so you can fight more trainers, earn more money, and get more experience! Shit, I went straight through because I'm an ace at "Who's That Pokemon!"  Maybe I, the player, should have thought about that more thoroughly before proceeding through the gym...but nope.  Decided to BULLDOZE.

Lumiose City Gym: Clemont, the Anti-Tom

I am going to obliterate you the way only a true aficionado of Electric-types can...by pummeling you with your one, feared weakness!

OPPONENT #1: EMOLGA, Lv. 35 (Electric/Flying-type)

CONTENDER #1: GABITE, Lv. 35 (Dragon/Ground-type)

You...motherfucker.  Flying is immune to Ground, so my Gabite can't bulldoze! He can't bulldoze!! What the fuck am I gonna do?

Emolga's Aerial Ace attack hits first and takes me down to 84/118.  Damn, this is gonna be a tough battle if I can't--

ROCK TOMB.  Oh, did 80% of your health just disappear because my Ground-type also knows a Rock-type move, the only other move-type that you're weak to besides Ice? Oops.

And with the Speed drop caused by Rock Tomb, I can swing in and hit Emolga with a mighty Dragon Claw, knocking it out.

OPPONENT #2: MAGNETON, Lv. 35 (Electric/Steel-type)

D'aww, I want one!

CONTENDER #1: GABITE, Lv. 35 (Dragon/Ground-type)

What shall I do? Steel is a very powerful defensive--


Oh, that didn't knock it out? Oh, Magneton has the Sturdy ability, meaning it can't be knocked out in a single hit.  That's inconvenient.

Electric Terrain? I've never heard of that move before, but apparently, an electric current is surging through the battle field.

Clemont used a Hyper Potion to heal, but no matter, I got another Bulldoze waiting for you--

STURDY WORKS WHENEVER THE POKEMON IS AT FULL HEALTH?!?! WHAT THE FUCK?!?! If he uses more potions, I swear to God, I'll throw this kid from the top of this gym--

There it is.  Another fucking Hyper Potion.  FUCK.  YOU.


HA! Didn't have a third Hyper Potion, did ya? Suck it up, Buttercup.  Maybe you should have invested in some.

CONTENDER #3: HELIOLISK, Lv. 37 (Electric/Normal-type)

Oh my god, this thing looks cool, and apparently it's as big as a Gabite! Man, when I breed a nice Heliolisk with Dry Skin and teach it Rain Dance, this monster evolution is gonna be unstoppable--

CONTENDER #1: GABITE, Lv. 35 (Dragon/Ground-type)


Oh, you got a Quick Attack in.  That's fantastic.  Good for you.  Also, Bulldoze.  K.O.

The Voltage Badge is mine! Mine, I say--!

And the Thunderbolt TM!!! Oh, now it truly has begun! The most reliably-power-yet-accurate Electric-type move ever! Oh, the electricity...

Gardevoir can learn this? Oh my, yes.  That is going to be an amazing thing: Psychic/Fairy with an Electric twist.  Ooh, I can almost feel my loins tingling--

Yep, there they go.  All the tingles--

Wait, no...it's my Holo-caster.  Someone's calling me--


The Lysandre Cafe...to talk?

I am drinking nothing that you give me.

Greninja, Lv. 48
Lucario, Lv. 46
Venusaur, Lv. 45
Blaziken, Lv. 43
Gardevoir, Lv. 37
Gabite, Lv. 35

Badges: 5

Nobody Fucks With The Power Plant!

The Power Plant looks amazing, the music is fucking sweet as hell...but there isn't a single fucking Pokemon in here save for the ones Team Flare brought with them...which is really sad, because a Magnemite would have been so awesome right about now.  Ever since Generation-II when they double-up the typing to Electric/Steel, I have seriously considered a Magneton in some way for my journey through the game.  It looks like I might have to settle for after I gain access to the Friend Safari...wherever the hell that is.

Team Flare Scientist Aliana is siphoning all of the electricity from Lumiose City for some nefarious reason? You bitch! Nobody fucks with the power plant!

You better have a solid roster to back your ass up--

You have one Mightyena.  Honestly, you've made one of the dumbest tactical errors I could have imagined.  I'm sporting not only a Blaziken/Lucario tag-team that will ruin your life in a matter of seconds thanks to their monstrous attack power with Fighting-typing behind it, but even my Greninja knows Power-Up Punch to increase its attack every turn, and with a resistance to your one type thanks to its Dark-type secondary and the move Substitute which puts up a meaty, meaty wall that will absorb most of the damage you might do to it.

Do you feel like you did a smart thing fucking with the power plant? Because you shouldn't do that.  That shit ruins lives.

Believe me, I know.

Now that you've fucked off, I can loot this amazing place for all the splendors it has to offer.  The TM for Flare Charge, a Zap Plate AND a Magnet to increase the power of my Electric-type Pokemon's attacks? Aww, you shouldn't have.  Thanks!

Now, just to get out of these badlands and get back to--

For FUCK'S SAKE THESE DIGGERS HAVE TO STOP! Okay, lemme break this shit down for you: I put Bibarel back in the party for a while because I noticed some breakable rocks around the badlands and I like free stuff...but the badlands kicked up a windstorm that makes moving very difficult on the roller skates, and there isn't tall grass...just burrowing fuckers who lock onto you like motherfucking Shai-Hulud and trap you into an inescapable battle (since most of the Pokemon here have the Arena Trap ability, meaning no-switchy-no-runny).  But, I found the Charge Beam TM, a Fire Stone, a Rare Candy to auto-level any Pokemon I want, and a weird homeless dude talking about flower Pokemon who disappeared shortly after talking.

And a Slugma.  I also found a Slugma.

Slugma:  A Fire-type Pokemon.

Hey, I'm back in Lumiose City! And they lit up the big thing--

Wait...that little boy is the gym leader? A brilliant engineer and inventor...and he looks like he's twelve. Tom Cedar tries to invent one thing and he's looked at like he's Josef Mengele.  I bet this little gym leader prick has no idea--

If he's the gym leader, where the hell is the--?


Greninja, Lv. 43
Lucario, Lv. 42
Venusaur, Lv. 40
Blaziken, Lv. 40
Gabite, Lv. 28
Flaafy, Lv. 16

Badges: 4