Sunday, October 27, 2013

Team Ass-Whoopin'

Rhyhorn, for fuck's sake, can you move ANY FASTER?! And you steer like an epileptic forklift...if that's a thing.  And if it is, you fucking steer like it--

Woah, slow the fuck down! Ri...Riolu?

Holy shit, is this really happening at just Lv. 22?! Super Training, PokemonAmie...thank you!

FUCK YEAH, LUCARIO!!!!! You are gonna be with me for the long haul, my brother!

Lucario:  A Fighting/Steel-type Pokemon.  This guy...woof.  He can go either way with Special Attack or straight-up physical Attack, but his Mega Evolution leans more towards the physical, so that's how I trained him.  He's fast as shit, powerful as shit, and because he's a Steel-type also, he takes regular damage from Psychic-type attacks.  Teaching him a Ghost-type move or a Dark-type move is going to make him my Psychic-type killer, so I gotta look out for that.

Now that we got that business out of the way, let's heal up and head on into the Glittering Cave to see what's going on with this Mega Evolution shit...because now you can do that Lucario, and you better soon.'s kind of dark in here...and a little creepy--

HOLY SHIT ONIX!! That came outta fucking nowhere, and especially with the 3D shit, that was more than a little fucking scary.  Good thing Ivysaur is leading the pack.

So, there's Onix here, clearly...and Rhyhorn, too! Nice! I want my own Rhyhorn!

Yeah, just like my mom!

Rhyhorn:  A Ground/Rock Pokemon.  Finally a solid Ground-type.  He used to just evolve into Rhydon at a high level, but ever since Gen-IV, you could evolve him once more into Rhyperior and have him be a lightning rod to absorb all the Electric-type attacks in a double-battle.  Besides, Rhyhorn is kick-ass.

And Machop, too? Now, you see...this is how caves should be done.  Lot of Rock-types and Ground-types, occasional Fighting-types...and no Zubats.  I do love me some Machop...catching it.

Machop:  A Fighting-type Pokemon.  Another solid Fighting-type, but unlike my others, he's going to stay a pure Fighting-type, which gives him a significant advantage over Rock-types.  Machamp served me very well in Emerald and his training regimen is fairly straightforward, so he's a definitely solid addition.

Lunatone? That thing was a bitch to take out in Emerald.  Fuck that thing.  Psychic/Rock-type with a decent Special Defense.  What does that mean? It means even the shit he was weak against didn't do that much damage to him.  I had Water-type and Grass-type attacks covered, but the only thing higher than his Special Defense was his Special Attack and he just kept wiping the floor with my Special fighters.  I just needed to persevere through a grueling ordeal with Slaking to take him down, and that is something I have no interest in perpetuating.

Ooh, the TM for Shadow Claw! Very nice! Who can learn that? Let's see...oh, Lucario can, meaning he doesn't need Foresight anymore! Very nice! And let's throw Hone Claws on top of that and we have a very daunting blue blue jackal! This is the kind of attack I was waiting for to turn him into a Psychic-destroyer, and especially now with Hone Claws to increase his Attack and accuracy by one stage each time the move is selected, he's gonna ruin lives.

Hey, I think I found the way out--

Oh shit, Team Flare is here! And they're music is bitchin'!

Their goal is to make it so they're the only ones who are happy? That's...a little unspecific.

Screw it! Fight time!

A Houndour? Oh, done goofed.  A Fire/Dark-type ain't the way to go here; I put Frogadier in the front and Water Pulse is how he do.

And now a Zubat? Dude...Kirlia is right here, bro, but I think Helioptile needs some time to shine.  I'd rather take you out with your weakness from Flying than your weakness to Poison anyway because I feel like it would hurt more.

Charge and Thundershock and that's all she wrote, motherfucker!

More Team Flare?! I got enough ass-whooping for all y'all! In fact, I'm from Team Ass-Whoopin'! I still really have no idea what Team Flare is about, what their preferred style is, what their real goals are, and why they want fossils...but Serena showed up to join Team Ass-Whoopin', and we take on all applicants!

You can use restored fossils to Okay, this is all seeming very trite to me--

Hey, researcher dude, we've come to recuse you from Team Flare--you had no idea they were here, did you? Oh well--

You have fossils for us! Okay, I have a shit Tyrunt already that I have to breed into awesomeness once I find an Everstone, but I'll take that Sail Fossil and get an Amaura, please.  I guess now we go and revive it and then--

Challenge the Cyllage City Gym? I thought for sure Shalour City was the next gym, but oh well, that's probably coming soon enough.  Let's go.

Another Onix? Perhaps I should catch this one.  Who knows when and where I'll find some Metal Coating, and then a Steelix is in my future.

Onix:  A Rock/Ground-type Pokemon.  He's never been very good, ever since Gen-I.  His Defense was among the highest in the game at that point, but his other stats were so low that they made him essentially useless.  However, you can evolve him into a Steelix, which means for fuck's sake, his Defense will skyrocket and at that point, it doesn't matter what sort of other stats he has; he's the iron curtain.  Say, that's not a bad nickname for when I breed this Steel monster--

Speaking of metal, there's Mawile in here, too! Very nice! Wait, why is it immune to Pidgeotto's Twister--oh shit, it's a Fairy-type now, isn't it! Oh, man! Major miscalculation! Probably a good thing to catch in that case.  Immune to Dragon-type and Poison-type moves? Hells yeah.

Mawile:  A Steel/Fairy-type Pokemon.  Steel/Fairy is becoming a very popular combo, especially since the only useable thing to reliably take down a Fairy is Poison.  Take that immunity from Steel typing and all she has to worry about is Fire and Ground.  I'll take that to gain another potential Mega Evolvution-eligible Pokemon.

Wow, I'm already into Box 2 with all my Pokemon.  So glad I'm not keeping track of my Pokedex values anymore.  Also, in case you were wondering, catching more Pokemon (I believe) increases your critical-capture rate, meaning it will be easier for me to catch Pokemon if I catch a lot already, so I'm catching pretty much anything cool that I can find...

Like that Cubone.  Hey, when they said "Gotta Catch 'em All", I took that shit to heart.  If you didn't catch 151 Pokemon in your first-gen game, you were an abject failure.  I did it and I'm a better person for doing so.

Cubone:  A Ground-type Pokemon.  Honestly, he's just decent, but there's such a sad lore surrounding this Pokemon that it breaks my heart not to have one.

Alright, let's head back into town and--

Hippopotas.  Need him.  Hippowdon is a monster.  Saving for later definitely.

Hippopotas:  A Ground-type Pokemon.  He becomes one of the most reliable competitive-play Pokemon in existence, and his ability used to create a damaging sandstorm that lasted for the entire battle whenever he entered.  Granted, his Special stats and Speed were awful, but everything else was off the charts and he could wipe a team clean if you taught him the right moves.

God, why do I feel the need to point out that I actually intend on training most (if not all) of these guys? This is the most modern game.  It's not like I'm going to let this simmer and stew like Red or Silver.  I can actually DO things with these guys! Have faith!

Also, part of this isn't for you; part of it is for me so that I actually have to follow through on this shit.

Okay...Fossil Lab.  Restore my Sail Fossil.  Amaura, come to me!


Amaura:  A Rock/Ice-type Pokemon.  Honestly, from what I've heard, he's terrible.  Too slow and too fragile.  But hey, I already have a Tyrunt to breed as I see fit, so if the only other choice is this guy, I'm taking him regardless of stats.  Plus, he's fucking cute as shit so don't you even.

I can stay here and fawn all day, or I can make my way through the aquarium and find Cyllage City.  I'm gonna do that last one, because I only have one badge and that shit is unacceptable.  Besides, I love aquariums.

Hey, I got an Old Rod! Now, the bounties of Magikarp the seas have to offer is at my disposal! I just hope fishing is a lot easier than in Emerald.

Back to Route 8.  Let's get a move on, guys.  I want that badge and I want to see what fishing I can accomplish.

Hmm...Luvdisc, Luvdisc, and more Luvdisc.  A Water-type with nothing promising about him since Emerald where you needed an item it carried in order to reteach old moves to your Pokemon.  Fishing is not looking promising around here with the Old Rod.  Oh well.  At least I found a Mago Berry to plant later.

Huh...some bitch just gave me a Dowsing Machine? I guess this is the new Itemfinder.

So, this is Cyllage City.  Interesting place.  Time to explore people's homes and take their is custom in Kalos.

Satchet? What is Satchet and why do I need it? Dude, I'm all about free stuff, but I have no idea what this is or why I'd need it.

SON OF A BITCH! There's a guy in the fucking Pokemon Center willing to trade a Steelix for a Luvdisc?! SHOULD HAVE CAUGHT THE LUVDISC! MUST CATCH THE LUVDISC!!

There! Got one! Give me the Steelix!

...named Thumper.  Dear God...this...ugh.  This is why I don't trade with NPCs normally.  Well, let's do some comparisons between my Onix and...Thumper.

Steelix:  A Steel/Ground-type Pokemon.  His base Defense stat is 200.  The only thing that legit compares to this guy's Defense is Mega Aggron, because I don't count Shuckle...because Shuckle is broken.  Massive defensive stats and shit everything else that you can basically swap willy nilly to eventually output 315 million points of damage? What? Stop. the Steelix has an Impish nature, while the Onix has a Jolly nature.  The Steelix is clearly the breed-worthy Pokemon in this situation...but I'm not EV training a Steelix named Thumper.  Shit is not happening.

Oh ho! A bike shop! Nice! But, I apparently missed the chance to win a free bike...but I can apparently win one through a quiz? Oh...okay? "Do Bicycles come in more than one color?" Umm...I'm gonna say yes--?

Oh shit...okay, I won a yellow bike.  That was...a lot easier than I had expected.


Hey, what's up this hill? Doesn't look like much--

Hey, who are you? You won the last bike race...and you just gave me the Strength HM.  BIDOOF, GET OUT HERE--!

Oh shit...that guy was the gym leader?! Damn, I am running into them left and right, aren't I? Alright, where is your gym?

It's built...into the mountain?! That's fucking sweet! Okay...I think I can take this guy.  Just gotta assemble the right team.

Let's see...this looks like a Rock-type Gym, so I'm looking for Fighting, Water, Grass, and Steel to come out on top, right? I think I've got that covered.  Grant...I'm coming for you.

Frogadier, Lv. 29
Ivysaur, Lv. 27
Lucario, Lv. 24
Combusken, Lv. 22
Steelix (goddamned Thumper), Lv. 20
Pancham, Lv. 19

Badges: 1


I fucking hate caves, have I mentioned that? Fucking hate them.  Video game caves, real caves...nothing good comes from caves--

And if you mention Batman, I will kindly tell you to fuck off, you flippant cunt.  Batman doesn't exist.  Shut up.

Just gotta collect my bountiful berry harvest of Pecha, Oran, Chesto and Persim for the cave and I'll be set.  Honestly, it's been an absolute pleasure discovering how much they've improved the berry-farming system since Gen-III.  I can't tell you how many berries I've lost from planted them and forgetting about them.  These suckers you can just leave in the dirt for whenever you're ready for them.  Hell, if I can grow all the right ones for statuses, I may never purchase a Heal or Awakening again.  Of course, the Potions will still be important, but come on, there's no reason not to grow berries now.

Got my berries, got my Ditto dropped off at the daycare.  Okay your worst.

That's it?!? It was a straight goddamned line for less than a couple of yards?!?! Disappointing!

I did manage to catch a Meditite, though.  Thought he might be a fun addition to the box.

Meditite:  A Fighting/Psychic-type Pokemon.  Very unique typing and an interesting Pokemon all around.  He evolves into Medicham, which apparently gets a Mega Evolution before Electivire does, but I'm not bitter about that at all.

And yes, I will catch everything that moves--


Axew:  A Dragon-type Pokemon.  Granted, Dragon-types got pretty nerfed in this game, but seriously, they've been nerfing the best dragons since Gen-I, making sure that they're easiest-to-access weakness was usually x4 strong against them.  Always Dragon/Flying or Dragon/Ground...took them years to figure out that dragons didn't have to fucking explode in the winter.

But this is a First Dragon-type of the game, even before the second gym! Granted, I got a Tyrunt through Wonder Trade, but Axew is the first one you can encounter on your own with no internet connection at your disposal.  Yay, so happy! Pinsir and Axew in the same day--

I better keep them in separate boxes, just in case.

You know...from the first round of the Isis City gym battle?  #readtheotherblogsdamnit

Route 8...I wonder what--

"Stop right there"? What the fuck did I do?'s Sina and Dexio here to upgrade my Pokedex.  Now I have the Coastal expansion pack.  Cool...why is my Pokedex segmented like this? I have one on my goddamned phone that's way more user-friendly than this one.

Tall grass on Route 8...let's get to catching.

Damn...missed out on a Drifloon.  Fortunately, they are in pretty high supply over here, and I have plenty of Poke Balls.

Drifloon, welcome aboard.

Drifloon:  A Ghost/Flying-type Pokemon.  Ghosts have really interesting immunities, especially him.  Immune to Normal, Fighting, and Ground-type attacks? That's a serious advantage, and when you factor in that Fighting-types are weak to Flying-types, this guy turns into a wrecking ball.

Is there anything else out here besides ghost-balloons and raining?

An HP Up, for one.  I also have a PP Up, but I don't know who needs that yet...maybe Riolu? Never mind, he's already EV trained.  Eh, I might as well just keep it to sell it.

OH, THERE ARE SPOINK HERE! YAY! I LOVE SPOINK! Never use them, but yay nonetheless. Come to me, Spoink!

Spoink:  A Psychic-type Pokemon.  Sproingy piggy.  That is all you need to know.

Holy flying buttfucks, there are Inkay here?! GET IT--!

Riolu...don't crit-hit knockout the squids, okay? Not anymore.  Now we have to deal with a fucking flock of Wingull (which might be better suited to the Water-type HM-slave position than Ducklett...I don't know yet).  We aren't leaving until we have an Inkay, but while we're here...let's fuck up a flock of seagulls.

There's an Inkay! Riolu...fuck it up...but be nice about it?

Perfect! Poke Ball, go!

You're mine, squiddy!

Inkay:  A Dark/Psychic-type Pokemon.  Never before has such a type existed and it has such incredibly-devious possibilities in combat.  Ooh, I sense a competitive contributor in the making!

Seviper here, too? I don't think I need one of those, really.  It's just a Poison-type.  Haven't yet touched the one I caught in Emerald, so I may let that one pass...but there IS an Absol, and they mega-evolve nowadays--

GAH! Fucked it up! Oh well, there will be others eventually.

Let's see...there's also Meinfoo, but they look ridiculous and I have no need for one of them at the moment--

Another flock of Wingull? Alright, well, I guess catching one of them won't hurt...besides, I love Wingull.  He's a boss.  Kicked some serious ass as my early Emerald Water-type.  #readtheotherblogsdamnit

Wingull:  A Water/Flying-type Pokemon.  Same deal as Ducklett...but with great Speed.

Here we are...Ambrette Town.  Looks like Serena wasn't too far behind me--

So, if we go though the aquarium, we will be able to get to Cyllage City? Okay, that sounds odd--

Fossil lab?! Here in town?! Amoura-time, baby--!

Oh...some dude is handing out the Rock Smash TM.  That's pretty cool--

Shit, that's a TM now?! Not bad...I hope Bidoof can learn this.  I was not expecting this to not be an HM--Hey, Bidoof can learn it! Awesome!  He knows Cut and Rock Smash with enough room for two more utility moves.  Actually, now that I think of it, I passed a lot of rocks on my way over her that looked pretty smashable.  I better backtrack a bit after I finish exploring this town--

TM96 Nature Power in the hotel--wait, why are there so many hotels around this region? Am I missing something by not doing them? Eh, that's probably something better left for the post-game.

Oh...never mind.  These rocks are not smashable.  Get back in the box, you useless beaver.

Now, for the Fossil Lab! Scientists! Men and women of science, do you know about Pokemon Mega Evolution?

... know nothing.  Give me your PhDs, you miserable bastards--

Pokemon restored from fossils might have something to do with Mega Evolution? What the fuck are you on about, man?!

I guess I should ask your assistant in the Glittering Caves, wherever that is--oh, it's right next door, pretty much.  Dude, tell me what you know!

So, I need a Rhyhorn to ride through the cave? That seems oddly specific.  Let's say I had a Rhydon to ride on...


...oh my god, I see what they did there! But where can I get a Rhyhorn--I am NOT GOING BACK TO MY MOM'S HOUSE, DAMN IT! have one right outside waiting for me? Well...alright then.  Rhyhorn, giddy-up! Down Route 9 to the Glittering Caves!




... move slow as shit, Rhyhorn--


Riolu, no high-powered attacks.  Just Quick Attack.  GO!

Now, Great Ball!

Come on...




Helioptile:  An Electric/Normal-type Pokemon.  Holy shit, this guy.  Immune to Ghost-types, but weak to Ground-types and Fighting-types.  Fucking whatever, he heals when hit with a Water-type attack or when it rains.  Do you even understand?! I didn't think you did...

And a Sandile, too? My oh my, what a day for me--! And it's ability is Moxie, too! A very good day indeed!

Sandile:  A Ground/Dark-type Pokemon.  Very cool dude with some interesting immunities and move pool.  Also, Moxie is a great ability that increases his Attack every time he takes out a Pokemon in a battle.  Hells yes.

A sky battle? How very peculiar...I think my Pidgeotto can take you on, my good sir!

And you sent out a Ledian...YOU FOOL! My Pidgey has faced Ledyba before and trounced them; you think its evolved form will be any match for us?!

This actually references the earlier gym battle in Santalune City, as well as the episode where all of the Iridescence Pokemon got separated from their trainers--


Frogadier, Lv. 27
Ivysaur, Lv. 25
Kirlia, Lv. 20
Pidgeotto, Lv. 23
Riolu, Lv. 21
Helioptile, Lv. 15

Badges: 1