Sunday, October 20, 2013

Oh Experience Share...

Okay, trying to avoid the game-breaking glitch of crashing if I save in Lumiose City, I'm just gonna breeze straight passed more of this shit and go to the cafe where Serena is waiting for me...

And so is Lysandre and some bitch named Diantha, apparently.

So Lysandre invented the Holo-caster communicator, huh? Pretty cool--

Oh, Diantha is a movie star.  I thought she was the ancient Steel/Dragon Pokemon of time.

Offering her eternal youth and beauty, Lysandre? That's...that's a little Sycamore, dude.

Okay, this guy is a little shifty.  Let's wait 'til he leaves and figure out hat the fuck is going on.

Oh! Diantha is a Pokemon trainer who "looks forward to battling us one day".  I have no idea who the Kalos League Champion is, but I'm casting an early prediction right here and saying it's this bitch.  I mean, why not? It's been a trend to meet the Champion early in the game and this is only the second major city I've found.

So Serena...what did you want?

A competition to see which of us is ARE my rival.  Damn it.  Okay, if that's all you wanted, I'll accept and head out to Route 5--

Whoa, incoming Holo-clip from Tierno...wild Pokemon on Route 5? So there.  SO there.

Who's this dude in the pink suit? Mr. Bonding? Unless you are a bubblegum mogul or the creepiest pimp on God's green earth, you need a different color suit.  No, I've never heard of O-Powers, but they sound dirty as shit.

An Attack Power and a Defense Power? Is this something to use in Streetpass or something? Eh, I'll look it up later.  I want new Pokemon!

And I take two steps onto Route 5 and I am accosted by a Lucario.  This is unsettling.  Am I being Poke-robbed?

Hey, skating Lucario lady, why does your dude love my aura? Also, who are you?

Korrina, the Shalour City Gym Leader?! Fighting-type gym, I presume.  Have you met my Pidgey? He's full of hate and venom.  They should meet, Pidgey and your Pokemon.

What kind of Pokemon live out here?

Woah...a horde of five Scraggy?! This is going to be interesting to say the least.  They're Fighting/Dark-type Pokemon, which puts me at somewhat of a disadvantage, especially with no sweeping attacks yet that hit all opponents like Earthquake.

Holy shit, they ALL get to attack me?! Bulbasaur, Leech Seed every last one of them and then take them out one at a time!

Great, they're all seeded, but they've been pelting you with Leer and Sand-Attack since the beginning,'s Pidgey time.

Wreck house, little dude.

Woah, Froakie! YOU'RE evolving because of that battle? Far out, little bro! Do your thing!

Frogadier.  Bro Status: Supreme

Frogadier:  A Water-type Pokemon.  So he doesn't get the Dark-type secondary just yet, but that's fine.  I don't suspect heavy Psychic or Ghost resistance just yet, but I sense a great deal of Bug-types and Fighting-types on the horizon.

So, there's Scraggy, Pancham, and--

PANCHAM! I can evolve him once I get my Greninja! Come with me, little panda're cool.

Pancham:  A Fighting-type Pokemon.  Yes, I have a Fighting-type, but this one is a pure Fighting-type, meaning I don't have to worry about Water-types, Rock-types, or Ground-types fucking with me.  He'll eventually evolve into a Fighting/Dark-type, which will be very useful in taking out Psychic-types with weak physical Defense like Alakazam.

What else is there?

Oh...horde of Gulpin.  They're just Poison-types, weak to Psychic-types.  Okay...let's try Ralts this time.  Confuse all the things.

Okay, so they bet the shit out of Ralts.  Combee?

You needed a Potion halfway through, but you got there! Good job!

So...Scraggy, Pancham, Gulpin, Bunnelby, Furfrou, Skiddo, and Doduo?! Holy shit! So much diversity--!



Holy crap, now Pidgey is evolving? Man, I am loving this new Experience Share!

Pidgeotto:  A Normal/Flying-type Pokemon.  You should fucking know his face, damn it.  He was in the anime.  He's a bird.  Better stats.  There ya go.

And damn, I just realized that I've been playing this from early evening into night.  New Pokemon for the nighttime wilds!

Oh, hey Tierno.  What's up--?

Oh shit Battle-Time!

OPPONENT #1: CORPHISH, Lv. 12 (Water-type)

Oh no...this is gonna suck for you.  And this is your only Pokemon, right? Yeah...


Vine Whip nearly killed the thing on the first hit.

Vice Grip took away 9 HP.  Aww, you're adorable...

Second verse, same as the first.  Vine Whip knockout.

Trevor just sat there and watched you get demolished, Tierno...then he gave me honey.

Hurray for honey.

Well, it looks likes the Doduo are still out at night.  Hell, I'll catch one.  Why not? They're pretty darn fast and I know you can ride Pokemon later in the game.  A Dodrio might be really useful in that case.

Doduo:  A Normal/Flying-type Pokemon.  Yes, those kinds are in abundance, but Dodrio is a fast, fast motherfucker and he learns Drill Peck, which is fantastic and strong.  Plus, he has two heads, so that's always fun.

HA! Now it's Bulbasaur's turn, I guess!

Ivysaur:  A Grass/Poison-type Pokemon.  Now we start to see his Special Defense, which protects against most of the nasty-ass Fire-type attacks and Psychic-type attacks that would ruin his day, really grow and become a tanking-stat.  And it's all thanks to the Experience Share.

Oh Experience Share...if you were a woman, I'd want to do terrible things to you.  You are one sexy machine...

I...I went to a very weird place there just now.  I...don't know what to say about that--

Wild Minun! A distraction! Catching it!

Minun:  An Electric-type Pokemon.  Generally very weak, but it works surprisingly well when put in a double battle alongside a Plusle, which is basically the same thing, but red.  Not a fighter, but more of a novelty for me at this point.

Oh, and I found an Oran Berry tree! Odd...there's a lot of berries up in the tree, but I can't reach them without the aid of something special.  New HM perhaps? Regardless, free healing for my--

Holy crap, a new horde...4 Minun and a Plusle! Gotta catch the Plusle!

Shit...critical hit knocked it out.  It's okay, it happens.

Let's see...there's some skaters over here...pretty purple flowers...and the TM for Hone Claws! Combusken, learn that shit!

Alright, let's keep moving on and--

Youngster Keita.  Wearing shorts.  Comfy and easy to wear.  Of course, GameFreak.  Thanks for that.

A lot of prickle-bushes around.  Maybe I'll get to learn Cut soon? Then Bidoof can become useful.

Hey, I think I found Camphrier Town! And here comes an incoming Holo-Chip...never mind, just a PSA.

Well, I might want to explore around for a bit before I call it for the night.

Free Berry Juice, a Sweet Heart, a guy giving out berries if you show him Pokemon of a certain type, free Ultra Ball, a Star Piece Cassius...interesting name--

He's running the PC boxes for Bill over here in Kalos! Oh, did you get hired for this job looking the way you do? That seems like a very unlikely set of circumstances.  Maybe your assistants can shed some light on things.

One gave me the TM for Thief...which isn't helping your case.

The only thing left to explore is that big castle over there...and since I've already seen everything, and there's a dude who won't let me leave the town until I check it out, I suppose I'm going into the creepy-ass castle.

If I don't come out of there alive...keep Sycamore away from my mother.

Combusken, Lv. 22
Frogadier, Lv. 19
Pidgeotto, Lv. 19
Combee, Lv. 18
Ivysaur, Lv. 17
Ralts, Lv. 16

Pokedex: 16, Badges: 1

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