Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Duck-Butter I've decided to check out this whole Wonder Trade concept.  I mean, why the hell not? Of course, I have to offer up a Pokemon first before I can get a mystery let's see who I want to send.

And of course, I'll be catching duplicate Pokemon that I already have in order to offer them up.

And of course, you read the title of this blog and probably figured out what I used for Wonder Trade.

Ducklett...nicknamed Duck-Butter.  Do you not know what that is?

You're welcome for that info.  Let me see what I got...

Aww, another Bulbasaur?! And he's Lv. 1! Well, this has been disappointing--

He has Pokerus?! Holy shit! That will double his Effort Values in battle and make him grow stronger twice as fast! And he knows Petal Dance as an Egg Move! Holy shit! I like this Wonder Trade nonsense! I'm gonna catch more Ducklett!

By the way, if you get a Ducklett named "Duck-Butter" in a Wonder Trade...that's from me.  Don't put anything you value in that thing...unless you value Ducklett.

Oh, what's this?

A friend wants to trade with me? Okay...which one?

Ah, okay.  I signed up for this group on Facebook with a few friends of friends to share 3DS Friend Codes and one of the people is offering up eggs.  Eggs of what? You'll know when it hatches.  What will I offer for the egg?

Another Ducklett.

Kirlia, take a back seat for a little while.  I'm gonna hunt more Ducklett and try to hatch this thing.

Ehh, a Flabebe is just as good as a Ducklett in my book.  Wonder Trade, go!

And I got in exchange...

A Lv. 1 Scatterbug named Sadie with Stun Spore as an Egg Move (I think?) and Shield Dust as an ability.    It's just a Bug-type, and those aren't too special...unless you figure that they aren't many pure Bug-types.  Yep...immediate re-trade.

And I got this time...

A MOTHERFUCKING Lv. 46 LAIRON?!? Holy shit, I can't even get that thing in Y!! THIS IS AWESOME!!!

Lairon:  A Steel/Rock-type Pokemon.  God-tier Defense stat and it evolves into another potential Mega Evolution Pokemon.  I'll have to breed a new one, though, since his Nature is crap and that will end up slowing his overall stat-growth.

I don't want to ruin my ridiculous karma on the Wonder Trade, so I think I'm only going to do it one more time.

Go forth, young Duck-Butter!

And my reward for abusing the Wonder Trade is...

A Lv. 1 Tentacool...named TentaclePron.  Well played.  Re-trade.

New Pokemon is...

A Lv. 11 Skiddo.  You just caught this to abuse the system, didn't you? A man after my own heart.  Re-trade.

Now I get...

A Lv. 1 Tyrunt?!?! ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?! AHH!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!! AHHHHH I LOVE HIM!!!!

Tyrunt:  A Rock/Dragon-type Pokemon.  This thing is a home-wrecker when it evolves.  A destroyer of worlds.  One of the best competitive Pokemon out there because of its super-high stats all around and wicked-varied move-sets.


I'll just pick the Amaura when it comes time to choose the fossils, since I'm definitely gonna need an Ice-type at some point, and I can wait until I can EV train the Tyrunt with my little Pokerus Bulbasaur! This is perfect! Thank you, Wonder Trade...thank you.

Frogadier, Lv. 24
Ivysaur, Lv. 22
Fletchinder, Lv. 22
Honedge, Lv. 17
Riolu, Lv. 16

Pokedex: 34, Badges: 1

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